What is Zakat al-Fitr 2020 | Who is Eligible For Zakat Al-Fitr?

If you are wondering to get an answer for what is zakat al-Fitr then this article will help you a lot in details.

In this guide, we will help you to know about zakat al-Fitr means, why zakat al-Fitr is important, who is eligible for zakat al-Fitr, how much is zakat al-Fitr,
What is Zakat al-Fitr 2020 | Who is Eligible For Zakat Al-Fitr?
Zakat al-Fitr

How do you calculate zakat al-Fitr, condition of zakat al-Fitr, and many more information will be gathered from here.

If you will go through a complete article then you become confident enough for all the topics of zakat al-Fitr and to help you out we have written this detailed article. 

What is Zakat Al-Fitr | What is Sadaqah | Meaning of zakat al-Fitr.

Zakat al-Fitr is a charity taken for the poor before the Eid al fitr prayer at the end of Ramadan. Zakat al-Fitr is a smaller amount than Zakat AL-Mal.

Every adult Muslim who possesses food in excess of their needs must pay zakat al-Fitr (Fitrana) before the Eid ul fitr prayer at the end of Ramzan.

The head of household can also pay zakat al-Fitr for their dependents such as children, servants and any dependent relatives.

This zakat is also being known as “Sadaqah Al-Fitr” more importantly it is known as the type of Zakat that has to be paid before the Eid UL-Fitr prayer. 
What is Zakat Al-Fitr | What is Sadaqah | Meaning of zakat al-Fitr.
Zakat al-Fitr

It is also known as Zakat-Al-Badan (The body tax) or zakat Al-Ra’s (The head tax).

Zakat is established mainly to cleanse a Muslim individual from any shortcomings or mischief conducted during the month of Ramadan

Additionally, Zakat Al-Fitr is given to the poor and needy at the end of the fasting month, Ramadan, mainly to celebrate the upcoming Eid with happiness and stress-free!

The following hadith also proves that Zakat Al-Fitr is not just a lending hand to the poor and needy but rather a favour which we do to ourselves to remove any sins we have committed during Ramadan.

Ibn ’Abbas (R.A.A) narrated, ‘The Messenger of Allah (Peace be Upon Him) enjoined Zakat al-Fitr on the one who fasts (i.e. fasted during the month of Ramadan) to purify him from any indecent act or speech and for the purpose of providing food for the needy. It is accepted as Zakah for the person who pays it before the Eid prayer and it is Sadaqah (i.e. voluntary charity) for the person who pays it after the Eid prayer.’ (Abu Dawud)

Who Should Pay Zakat Al-Fitr? Who is Eligible for zakat al-Fitr.

Zakat Al-Fitr is an obligation upon every Muslim, grown-up or a child regardless of the gender, as long as they have sufficient to feed them for a day or longer. 
Who Should Pay Zakat Al-Fitr? Who is Eligible for zakat al-Fitr.
Zakat al-Fitr

The head of the family pays for every single member of the family. The head of household can also pay zakat al-Fitr for their dependents such as children, servants and any dependent relatives.

Who to give zakat al fitr |Who receives it?

It is essential to give Zakat Al-Fitr to those who are eligible to receive it. 

Recipients of zakat al-Fitr are the poor and those in need – the same people entitled to receive general zakat.

The recipients consist of the following eight group mentioned in Surah al-Tawba, verse 60.

1:-The poor.  2:- The needy.  3:- Collectors of Zakah.     4:- Reconciliation of hearts.  5:- Freeing captives / slaves (fee al-Riqab),  6:- Debtors.  7:- Those fighting for a religious cause or a cause of God or for jihad in the way of Allah.  8:- The traveler.

When can you pay zakat al-Fitr | When Should You Pay?

Zakat Al-Fitr can be paid in the last few days of Ramadan before Eid al fitr prayer at the latest, so that the poor can enjoy the day of Eid, failing to do so invalidates your Zakat.
When can you pay zakat al-Fitr | When Should You Pay?
Zakat al-Fitr Eligible

It is narrated by Ibn ‘Abbaas (may Allah be pleased with him), that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said:

“Whoever gives it before the prayer, it is accepted zakaah, and whoever gives it after the prayer, it is a kind of charity.” (Abu Dawood).

How do you give zakat al fitr |What Can You Pay?

In al-Saheehayn it is narrated that Abu Sa’eed al-Khudri (may Allah be pleased with him) said: 

“At the time of the Messenger of Allah (s.w.t), we used to give it at a rate of one saa’ of food, or one saa’ of dates, or one saa’ of barley, or one saa’ of cheese, or one saa’ of raisins…” 

A number of scholars interpret that the word food here refers to local staple food, while others suggest it to be wheat.

As the whole intention of Zakat Al-Fitr is to help the poor, it is encouraged to pay in the form of local staple food of the region/country.

Amount of zakat al-Fitr |How Much to pay for zakat al-Fitr |How to calculate zakat al-Fitr.

A scoop (saa’) of what Prophet (s.a.w) practiced in Medina is approximately equal to 3 kg of uncooked rice. Wheat, barley, cereal, dhal etc. of equivalent weight can also be given as Zakat Al-Fitr. 
Amount of zakat al-Fitr |How Much to pay for zakat al-Fitr |How to calculate zakat al-Fitr.
Amount of zakat al-Fitr
The quality and type of rice has to be what the giver uses on a daily basis and one can also give more than the required amount which is essential such as oil dalhan etc. 

Purpose of zakat al-Fitr.

The main purpose of Zakat al-Fitr is to provide the poor which they can celebrate the festival of breaking the fast Eid ul fitr along with the rest of the Muslims

Every Muslim is required to pay Zakat al-Fitr at the conclusion of the month of Ramadan as a token of thankfulness to God for having enabled him or her to observe the obligatory fast. Its purpose is: 

1.      As a levy on the fasting person. This is based on the hadith, The Prophet of Allah said, "The fasting of the month of fasting will be hanging between earth and heavens and it will not be raised up to the Divine Presence without paying the Zakat al-Fitr."

2.    To purify those who fast from any indecent act or speech and to help the poor and needy.

The latter view is based upon the hadith from Ibn `Abbas who related, 
Purpose of zakat al-Fitr.
Purpose of zakat al-fitr
The Prophet of Allah enjoined Zakat al-Fitr on those who fast to shield them from any indecent act or speech, and for the purpose of providing food for the needy. 

It is accepted as Zakah for the one who pays it before the `Eid prayer, and it is sadaqah for the one who pays it after the prayer.

This is a generous practice of Islam where it connects the rich with the poor, and the poor with the poorer.

Thus eliminating poverty and reducing the disparity gap between the rich and the poor. This form of charity ensures no poor person goes hungry during Ramadan.

Is zakat al fitr obligatory?

Sadaqat al-Fitr is a duty which is Wajib (required) of every Muslim whether male or female, minor or adult as long as they have the means to do so. 
Is zakat al fitr obligatory?
Zakat al-Fitr obligatory

Wajib means: A required prayer or act which cannot be ignored, if it is not performed then whole of worship will be hanging between heaven and earth and it will not reached to Divine Presence.

According to Islamic tradition (Sunnah), Ibn 'Umar said that the Prophet Muhammad(S.W.A) made Zakat al-Fitr compulsory on every slave freeman male, female, young and old among the Muslims.

The Prophet of Allah said, "The fasting of the month of fasting will be hanging between earth and heavens and it will not be raised up to the Divine Presence without paying the Zakat al-Fitr."

Finally, we are delighted to highlight and cover the maximum topics to clear the doubts regarding Zakat al-Fitr. So that all of us are now able to do our obligatory duty. If anyone wants to gather a deep knowledge, then we suggest to go through Hadith and Quran.

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