Why Ramadan the Month of Fasting is observed in Islam


Ramadan or Ramazan is the ninth month of the lunar Islamic calendar. It is observed by Muslims worldwide as a month of fasting.

Ramadan is a time of spiritual reflection, self-improvement, and heightened devotion and worship. Muslims are expected to put more effort into following the teaching of Islam. Fasting from sunrise to sunset is called swam or Roza.
Why Ramadan the month of fasting is observed in islam
Crescent of moon

Ramadan is regarded as one of the five pillars of Islam, Ramazan lasts twenty-nine to thirty days, from one sighting of the crescent moon to the next. In Ramadan Fasting from sunrise to sunset is Fardh or Farz (obligatory) for all adult Muslims.

Devoting themselves instead to salaat (prayer), recitation of the Quaran, and the performance of charitable deeds as they strive for piety and heightened.

In Ramadan, Muslims refrain not only from food and drink, but also tobacco products, sexual relations, and sinful behaviour.

                                          Why Ramadan is observed.

The month of Ramadan is that in which, the Quran was first revealed to Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) during the Holy Month of Ramadan as he meditated in a cave outside the Holy city of Mecca, a guidance for mankind, and clear proofs of the guidance, and the criterion (of right and wrong).

The month is therefore meant to commemorate the first revelation which was sent down on Laylat AL-Qadr popularly known as (The Night of Power).

Laylat Al-Qadr is considered the holiest night of the year. It is generally believed to have occurred on an odd-numbered night during the last ten days of Ramadan.
Iftari Prayer

By fasting, Muslims express their gratitude to Allah for revealing the Quran to Prophet Muhammad(S.A.W) during this holy month, the ninth month of the Islamic calendar. The month of Ramazan also encourages one to be charitable. The Quran says the poor, the handicapped and those who are deprived also have their share in your money.
Ramadan purifies one from impure thoughts, deeds, and material desires. This allows Muslims to fully concentrate on their faith through prayers, seeking forgiveness and being there for the needy.

Salmaan Farsi (R.A) says that on the last day of Shabaan, ALLAH’S Apostle (saw) spoke us and said”, 

'O people, there comes to you a great months now, a most blessed month, in which is a night greater in value and goodness than a thousand months. It is a month in which Allah has made fasting fardh (obligatory) by day and has made Sunnah the taraweeh Salaah by night. Whosoever wants to be close to Allah by doing any good deeds, for such person shall be the reward like the one who had performed a fardh in any other time and whoever performs a fardh( obligation), shall be given the reward of seventy faraaidh(obligations) in any other time’. (Source: sahih ibn khuzaymah, hadith # 1887).


How Ramadan is observed/Practised.

In the month of Ramadan, Muslims are not supposed to eat or drink anything from sunrise to sunset. The common practice is to fast from dawn to sunset called swam or Roza. The pre-dawn meal before the fast is called the sohoor or sehri, while the meal at sunset that breaks the fast is called iftar.
DAU FOR SOHOOR: I intend to keep the fast for tomorrow in the month of Ramadan.
DAU FOR IFTAR: O Allah I fasted for you and I believe in you and I put my trust in you and I break my fast with your sustenance.

Muslims refrain not only from food and drink, but also tobacco products, sexual relation, and sinful behaviour. By fasting, Muslims express their gratitude to Allah for revealing the Quran to Prophet Muhammad(S.A.W) during this holy month, the ninth month of the Islamic calendar. 

The month of Ramazan also encourages one to be charitable. The Quran says the poor, the handicapped and those who are deprived also have their share in your money.

Devoting themselves instead to salaat (prayer), recitation of the Qauran, and the performance of charitable deeds as they strive for purity and heightened awareness of Allah (taqwa) The spiritual rewards (TAWAB) of fasting are believed to be multiplied during Ramadan.

Muslims devote more time to prayer and acts of charity, striving to improve their self-discipline, motivated by hadith. As per the hadith "When Ramadan arrives, the gates of Paradise are opened and the gates of hell are locked up and devils are put in chains.

For the fasting to be valid, there must be serious intention or niyat to fast and adhere to the laws surrounding the fast. The commitment must be made each day before down. In addition to the fasting, piety is also measured by other practices, including the other practices.

Muslims intending to fast, wake up early and eat a light meal called sohoor or sehri, before dawn. Sohoor is consumed about half an hour before down or Morning Prayer. And breaks fast at sunset known as Iftar,
Why Ramadan the month of fasting is observed in islam

At the end of the Ramadan fast is celebration as ‘Eid AL fitr, during this time Muslims rejoice in the completion of the fast.

SWAM: Fast during Ramadan.
SALAAT: Pray five times per day facing the direction of Mecca.
ZAKAAT: Give support to the needy or charity. It’s a religious Annually Obligatory tax and is to be used primarily for the poor. This tax is varied for different categories from food grains, fruits, cattle from 5 to 10%. On cash and precious metals it is 2.5%.
TARAWEEH: During Ramadan, lengthy prayer called taraweeh are offered congregationally after Isha prayer at night.
THAWABIt refers to spiritual merit or reward that increases from the performance of good deeds and piety.

                       What are the tradition of Ramadan.

There are Ramadan rules and regulations that govern this Holy Month. Fasting is obligatory and as a Muslim, you are not required to eat or drink from sunrise to sunset. 

Similarly, if you’re observing Ramadan, you are not supposed to engage in sex during fasting hours, chew gum, smoke, backbite, lie, swear, gossip and all forms of sinful behaviour.


Ramadan purifies one from impure thoughts, deeds, and material desires. This allows Muslims to fully concentrate on their faith through prayers, seeking forgiveness and being there for the needy.
Prophet Muhammad(S.A.W) had broken his Swam or roza by eating three dates. So traditionally, Muslims eat dates along with milk, juice or water.


                Who is exempted from Ramadan Fasting.

In Islam, everyone who has passed puberty should take part in Ramadan fasting which is a fard. However there is much flexibility in the Islam religion.

Therefore there are exceptions like pregnant women, breastfeeding mothers, the elderly, diabetic patients and those with disabilities and special medical conditions are exempted from fasting. Although children are not supposed to fast below the age of 12.

Is water drinking allowed In Ramadan.

In Ramadan, the common practice is to fast from dawn to sunset where all types of food or intake is prohibited and water is also one of them which cannot be drink during fasting period.

Some factors which nullifies the fast.

Factors which nullifies the fast are, medication taken through nose and ears.

Intentionally vomit mouthful. Cigarette smoking, swallow items that are not normally eaten.

Ejaculate because of contact with a women. Eating after sohoor timing i.e. starting time of fast before fajr Salah. To make iftar before sunset.


                        Some important blessing of Ramadan.

“Whoever fasts Ramadan out of faith and hope for reward, its past sins will be forgiven.” (Sahih bukhari #38)

“When the month of Ramadan starts, the gates of the heaven are opened and the gates of hell are closed and the devils are chained” (sahih bukhari #1899).

“Reward of all good deeds are increased by seventy times” (sahih ibn khuzaymah # 1887).

Health Benefits of fasting in Ramadan.

By not consuming any food, our body is able to concentrate on removing toxins as we give the digestive system a rest.

Fasting allows the gut to cleanse and strengthens its lining. It can also stimulate a process called autophagy, which is where cells self-cleanse and remove damaged and dangerous particles.

Fasting has been shown to protect brain cells and could reduce depression and anxiety as well as the risk of developing dementia.

There is some evidence that fasting can reduce the amount of Bad cholesterol in the blood stream and increase the amount of Good cholesterol, which can reduce the risk of heart disease. 

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